Have you been tossing and turning in bed every night lately? Have you forgotten what it's like to sleep well and wake up refreshed after a deep and restful sleep? You re not the only one !!

Difficulty sleeping and insomnia is a condition that affects about 30% of the general population from the young teenage years to old age. The disorder is characterized by difficulty falling asleep, interruptions during the night, or short duration of sleep.

Circadian rhythm
The circadian rhythm is a biological process to which the human body and all living beings "obey", which aims to keep our biological clock "tuned".
If we observe the natural environment, it undisturbedly follows the daily cycle of day and night, which is most noticeable in the animal kingdom that lives in a simple regularity, beginning the day with sunrise and the night with sunset. According to this rhythm the biological clock of sleeping or waking up always shows the right time for the birds to be quiet with the sunset or for the night birds to wake up at the same time !! The biological clock, therefore, is the "routine of time" that develops, maintains and defines the entire creation and the human body, from infancy
age to old age.

Melatonin – The Night Hormone
Melatonin is the hormone our body produces that regulates the day and night cycle. It is secreted by the pineal gland and is the "signal" given by the brain for the onset of sleepiness and the suppression of the nervous system. The production of melatonin is activated by the reduction of light and darkness and it is a fact that it is hindered when we stay awake at night, watching TV or continuing to work on the computer....
The antioxidant action of melatonin extends during the night when it collects all the free radicals thus protecting the functions of the cell. In this way it maintains good metabolism.
It is also found in animals, plants and certain foods such as cherries, flaxseed, St. John's wort, rice, tomato, almonds and walnuts.

Melatonin as a Dietary Supplement
Melatonin is considered an essential ingredient in nutritional supplements given to treat insomnia, as it actively contributes to restful sleep. Its action increases when combined with valerian and magnesium. However, its use should be avoided by people who follow medication, during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Herbs for good sleep
In addition to melatonin there are miracle herbs and trace elements that help our biological clock find its rhythm again. These are :
Valerian: Used since ancient times to treat insomnia. Many studies prove the effective action of valerian as a hypnotic herb. Its action is enhanced when combined with lavender and chamomile.
Lavender : Promotes mental calmness, relaxes the nervous system, activates the sleep process, is anti-anxiety and anti-depressant.
Linden: Linden extract mimics the action of γ-aminobutyric acid
(GABA) which is the main neurotransmitter that calms the nervous system.
Passionflower: Contains vitexin, which has a calming effect and improves the quality of sleep. The combination with valerian is effective for a restful evening.
Chamomile: The humble chamomile is one of the most well-known traditional remedies for insomnia. A cup before bed will relax the nervous system and bring us to the pillow.
Magnesium: Magnesium is mainly consumed at night because of its effective property to enhance all stages of sleep. It also promotes the production of neurotransmitters and increases the secretion of melatonin.

Day Management
- In addition to herbs and foods that contribute to good sleep, what will probably bring the solution to the problem of insomnia is proper time management and prioritization during the day.
- Schedule your obligations (professional, family) within the time frame of the day with the aim of returning home at 8:00 pm. This will give you the leeway to shut down the computer early and avoid taking work at home.
- Avoid the news bombardment and take control. Direct the senses selectively to beneficial matters, which will not disturb the night's sleep keeping the mind awake.
- Coffee, green tea and B complex dietary supplements can cause disturbed sleep when taken after 6:00 pm.
- Self care! Treat yourself to important moments of relaxation and self-care with a warm bath. Add a few drops of lavender essential oil to the water and then prepare to close the day.

-Spend some time in concentration and meditation, emptying the mind of the day's experiences. Take a few deep breaths through the nose and calmly blow the air out through the mouth. End your day with deep relaxation from the soles to the head and indulge in a deep and restful sleep !!

What you will find in our pharmacy:
Nutritional supplements to treat insomnia, herbal medicine and
phytotherapeutic preparations that promise a restful sleep. Flower remedies to deal with stress and anxiety, tasty drinks that will relax the nervous system and improve the quality of sleep.

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